Once again, I find myself behind in posting my quarterly news update, but better late than never, I suppose!
Q3 was very busy for me, though mostly behind the scenes (as has been the case lately). I took on several new students, and that’s been an exciting ride! Work on Life Is My Soundtrack had to be put on hold temporarily, as a lot of my free time was dedicated to solving an accounting error (which I caused) and rebuilding my financial databases (which was not as exciting as it sounds). That said, databases are a very important part of my work systems, so I had to do what was required to make things right. The good news, is that I was able to find a few significant ways to make the business-side of things more efficient, so in the future, I’ll be able to spend more time with music.
I’m dedicating the current Q4 (as I write this) to clearing up a lot of old projects and prepping for 2018. So far, so good, but there’s still work to be done!
Thanks for all your support! Its really appreciated! Have a great holiday season, and I’ll see you in 2018!
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Last Update: 2024-05-08